3 Cryptocurrency Updates You Shouldn't Miss Out On

3 Cryptocurrency Updates You Shouldn’t Miss Out On

If you want to make the most of your crypto investment, then you have to be in the know. You are not supposed to stay unaware of what’s happening in the industry. Smart investors always keep track of the latest updates.

Here are a few noteworthy updates that you might have not known so far:

3 Cryptocurrency Updates You Shouldn't Miss Out On

Venmo Starts Accepting Crypto

A wide range of companies has started accepting Bitcoin as a payment method. Venmo joins them by announcing its viability for cryptocurrency.

On April 20, 2021, the company officially announced that they are going to accept virtual currencies after seeing great demand from the public.

Business analysts are hopeful to see an upsurge in Venmo’s overall demand after this key decision. For those who don’t know, Venmo is the leading digital wallet used to make online payments.

PayPal is Open to Crypto

Following the footsteps of Venmo, PayPal also announced that it’s open to accepting cryptocurrency. The globally recognized online payment method made this announcement on March 30, 2021, as per the cryptocurrency news today.

Now PayPal users can make online payments at thousands of online merchants globally. You don’t need to have US Dollars to make purchases. You can use digital currencies at the checkout instead.

Tesla and Crypto

Earlier this year, Tesla announced that the company will be accepting Bitcoin as a payment method. Current cryptocurrency news says that Elon Musk took a U-Turn after a couple of months and stopped accepting Bitcoin.

Tesla’s CEO stated that rising energy consumption in Bitcoin Mining is the reason why the company has decided to step back from its decision. Mining machines installed in China and the rest of the countries consume a lot of energy. The globally renowned car company is likely to start accepting Bitcoin again once the global power consumption on Bitcoin mining comes to a lower stage.