Top 3 Best Cloud Mining Platforms 2022

Top 3 Best Cloud Mining Platforms 2022

Mining has always been a key part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Early miners were able to amass large amounts of coins by using their computer’s power to solve complicated mathematical problems. With the advent of cloud mining, however, anyone can become a miner without having to purchase specialized equipment or software. In this article, we will review some of the best cloud mining platforms currently available.

Top 3 Best Cloud Mining Platforms 2022

GHS Mining

GHS Mining is a great way to get started in the cryptocurrency mining industry. With its daily withdrawals, around-the-clock support, and multiple cloud mining contracts, it offers a convenient and passive way to earn income. The profit calculator is also a great feature for planning your earnings.

If you’re ready to start mining with GHS Mining, you can choose from one of four plans. The Bronze GPU Miner plan offers daily payouts in BTC, with a price of $0.0120 per GH/s and the potential to earn up to 143%. The Silver GPU Miner plan provides daily payouts in BTC at a rate of $0.0113 per GH/s, with the potential to earn up to 149%. 

For the Gold ASIC Miner plan, you can receive daily payouts of BTC at a price of $0.0109 per GH/s, with the potential to earn up to 156%. The Platinum ASIC Miner plan offers daily payouts in BTC at a rate of $0.0106 per GH/s, with the potential to earn an undisclosed amount. If you’re interested in learning more about the potential revenue for this plan, you’ll need to contact their support for additional details.


Hashing24 is a cloud mining service for Bitcoin, which provides you with the best prices and the most advanced technologies. You can rent hashing power from hashing24, depending on your needs. Currently, there are no fixed contracts, which means that you can choose the amount of hashing power you need. They are officially based in Thailand, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. Unlike other cloud mining platforms, Hashing24 offers unlimited contracts. 


A pioneer in the industry, ECOS is one of the first horsepower services providers to offer legal cloud mining services. They take pride in offering excellent and affordable cloud mining services. The platform supports Bitcoin mining only. So, if you’re after mining Bitcoin, ECOS may be the best choice. 

The company’s goal is to become the platform for success for all crypto investors. They believe that their technology will allow anyone to earn money from cryptocurrency without having to mine or invest in it directly. Overall, ECOS is an excellent choice for those looking for trustworthy cloud mining providers.

Final Thoughts

The popularity of cloud mining services is growing because of the ease and convenience these platforms provide. By simply logging in and setting up an account, you can begin mining bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies with a minimal amount of effort. Additionally, many cloud mining providers offer competitive pricing that makes it easier for people to get involved with cryptocurrency mining.